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인문사회융합대학 공공인재학부 사회복지학과
교수연구동 501호
사회복지정책, 사회적 배제
bullet  최종학력

University of Maryland, Baltimore  Ph.D.

bullet  주요논문

2022. 뉴노멀시대 사회복지사의 역할 변화: 서울지역 사회복지종사자를 대상으로. 한국지역사회복지학
2021. Themes describing social isolation in family caregivers of people living with dementia: a scoping review. Dementia: the International Journal of Social Research and Practice.
2021. 위기가정 재기경험에 관한 탐색적 연구. 한국자치행정학보
2021. A conceptual framework for understanding financial burden during serious illness. Nursing Inquiry
2021. 노인의료복지시설 내 거주자 간 학대: 서구 국가 문헌 리뷰. 노인복지연구
2021. Measures of financial burden for families dealing with serious illness: a systematic review and analysis. Palliative Medicine
2020. Hospice utilization in the US: a prospective, national study comparing cancer and non-cancer deaths. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
2018. Social exclusion factors influencing life satisfaction among older adults. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice
2017. Factors associated with opinions about hospice among older adults: Race, familiarity with hospice, and attitudes matter. Journal of Palliative Care
2017. Validating the 11-item R-UCLA scale to assess loneliness among older adults: An evaluation of factor structure and other measurement properties. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
2017. MSW graduates’ readiness to respond to intimate partner violence. Journal of Social Work Education
2017. Psychosocial needs and interventions for heart failure patients and families receiving palliative care support: A systematic review. Heart Failure Reviews