bullet  기본정보소개
오득균 부교수
과학기술대학 친환경과학부 녹색기술융합학과
생명과학관 207호
녹지기능 및 조경관리학
bullet  최종학력

건국대학교  농학박사

bullet  상세경력

2015~2017 한국녹지환경디자인학회 이사/편집장
2017~2017 엘에스티코페레이션 연구개발팀장
2017~2019 건국대학교 LINC+사업단 교육지원부
2020~2022 건국대학교 LINC+사업단 교육지원부장
2021~2022 건국대학교 LINC+사업단 (겸)창업지원부장
2022~현재 건국대학교 녹색기술융합학과

bullet  주요논문

A Study on Anion Generation according to Vertical Structures of Tree(Journal of Environmental Science International)
An Analysis of Negative Air Ion Generation According to Geological Structure of Urban Mountainous Park(Journal of Environmental Science International)

Air Ion Distribution of Traffic Volume in Urban Area -Wiryeseong main road, in Songpa-gu, Seoul.-(한국도시환경학회)
Evaluation Model of the Negative Air Ion Generation due to the Square Type of Green Space(J. People Plants Environ)

현장발생토 활용 식재기반 조성유형별 소나무 생육 특성 평가(Journal of Environmental Science International)

현장발생토 활용 식재기반 조성유형별 졸참나무 생육 특성 평가(서울도시연구)
녹지 내부 바람통로 조성이 기상요소 변화와 음이온 발생에 미치는 영향(Journal of Environmental Science International)
Evaluation on the Expected Purification Efficiency of Air Ion and Analysis on the Generated Amount of Negative Air Ions by Plantsfor the Purification of Particulate Matter in Air(Journal of Environmental Science International)
Formation of Internal Wind Paths of Open Space and Its Effect on Meteorological Factors and the Generation of Negative Air Ions(Journal of Environmental Science International)

Effect of Companion Planting on Growth of Festuca glauca ‘Elijah Blue’ and Flowering Ground-cover Plants on Green Roof(한국복원녹화기술학회)
Effect of Intercropping Ratio on the Cherry Tomato with Basil on the Growth, Physiological, and Productivity Parameters on the Rooftop in Urban Agriculture(Journal of Environmental Science International)
Effect of Intercropping Ratio on the Cherry Tomato with Basil on the Growth, Physiological, and Productivity Parameters on the Rooftop in Urban Agriculture((Journal of Environmental Science International

Combined Effects of Substrate Depth and Vegetation of GreenRoofs on Runoff and Phytoremediation under Heavy Rain(Journal Water

bullet  기타사항

■ 수상
- 2021 사회맞춤형 산학협력선도대학(LINC+) 공로상
- 2021 2020년 산학협력 성과확산포럼 장려상
- 2019 사회맞춤형 산학협력선도대학(LINC+) 공로상
- 2018 LINC+ 성과 우수사례 및 아이디어 공모전 우수상

■ 자격
- 산림기사
- 산림경영기사 1급